Enhancement of food self sufficiency and food security in Kegalle district.
Achieving higher income and living standards of farmers in Kegalle district by introducing new technological knowledge to the farmers through formal agricultural extension service to improve the qualitative and quantitative agricultural products and to provide suitable market facilities.
Historical and present review of farm
Central Farm Nursery was started on 2002. The land consists of 3.085 acres including 1 acre of paddy land. Farm Consist with Office, Auditorium, Stores, Net house, Rain Shelter, Pump House with well and Mushroom cultivation house.
Beminiwatta Farm is located in Kegalle district, Mawanella DS Division.The land consists of 3.085 acres including 1 acre of paddy land. Agro ecological region is WL, more than 75 inches of rainfall is expected on this area. Main Production of the farm is producing Budded Plants. Land is covered with different type of crops and Mother plants. Compost Production was started in late 2021 and willing to produce wormy compost also.
Budded plant production distribution
Conducting Training programs for Farmers, Officers and Schools Children.
Selling Farm Productions
Providing technical advice to identify pests and diseases in crops.