department of the provincial land commissioner

The cornerstone of land governance and stewardship. Our department plays a pivotal role in managing and regulating land resources to ensure equitable access, sustainable use, and responsible development. From land tenure administration to spatial planning and cadastral services, we are committed to promoting transparency, fairness, and efficiency in land management. Explore our comprehensive range of services aimed at facilitating land transactions, resolving disputes, and safeguarding land rights for present and future generations. Join us in our mission to foster inclusive and sustainable land management practices that underpin social, economic, and environmental well-being.


Development objectives

• Grant legal title to existing government lands within the province.
• Settlement.
• Providing land for landless people.
• Providing land for commercial purposes.
• Providing land for government departments and institutions.
• Protection of government lands.
• Protection of water sources and reserves.
• Settlement of disputes related to government land.
• Collection of government tax revenue.
• Providing advisory services related to the subject of government land.
• Acquisition and distribution of land in disaster situations.

Special objectives

• Providing effective service by trained, creative and experienced staff.
• Securing old documents like maps, ledgers etc.
• Processing of new offers and long term tax processing through networked information system.
• Use of new technical equipment.
• Decentralization of functions. Kegalle sub-office, land subject field officers have been assigned to all the divisional secretaries of the province.

percentage of Internal Reservoirs of the Sabaragamuwa province

Land consumption in Sabaragamuwa province

Land usage pattern in Sabaragamuwa province

Message from Commissioner of Land, Sabaragamuwa Province

According to the 13th  Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka and as per the powers vested on provincial Councils, the Land Department of Sabaragamuwa Province was established. We are in the process of sustainable management of the State Lands in Sabaragamuwa province,  which includes 4968 km2 of land and more than 70% of it remain as state land, the main challenge is the limited lands and unlimited development needs. Therefore, to establish a clear land ownership for commercial, agricultural and residential needs through Administration, Protection and Disposal of State Lands in Sabaragamuwa Province are functioning by the Department.

In order to fulfill the above needs we are carrying out services mainly through 29 Divisional Secretariats in the Province and also with the help of the relevant organizations.

As our Vision states, ensure a clear land ownership for a prosperous Sabaragamuwa, our services mainly depend on Acts, Ordinances and timely orders and Policies of the Government. We always step forward to facilitate the land officials and community for a effective and productive service delivery throughout the Sabaragamuwa Province