The Department of Animal Production and Health was established in 1912 in association with the Department of Agriculture for activities related to animal husbandry and in 1978, considering the importance of animal husbandry to the socio-economic development of the country, it started working as a separate department. At that time, all veterinary offices were controlled by the head office in Peradeniya and with the establishment of provincial councils in 1989, it was established as the institution related to animal husbandry within the provincial scope.
The main role of this department is to provide necessary services for the production of animal products for the people of the country in a healthy and safe manner. For this, a staff consisting of government veterinary officers, animal development consultants, development officers, management assistants, dispensary assistants, farm workers, guards and other officials are contributing.
Among the future expectations are to actively contribute to the process of producing nutritious and hygienic animal products and placing them in the hands of consumers, and to contribute more to the prevention of diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people, with special attention to the field of animal public health.
There are 18 veterinary offices in Ratnapura district and 11 veterinary offices in Kegalle district under the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Animal Production and Health Department. Apart from this, the Undugoda Development and Training Center is also located at Undugoda in Kegalle District under this department.
Sabaragamuwa is rich in livestock
Contribution of animal production sector to gross domestic product.
To improve the standard of living of the farming community by improving livestock sector expression and production.
Increasing the level of individuality in livestock production.
Generation of self-employment and additional sources of income through livestock sector and more youth workers and rural people in livestock sector.
Increase the quality and productivity of animals through a strong breeding plan.
Achieve maximum production by maintaining high nutrition.
The process of providing high standard of care to keep animals in the province at maximum production.
Control of animal-borne diseases.
a. Prevention, treatment and investigation.
b. Implementation of breeding programs to breed high quality animals.
c. To empower farmers and strengthen their marketing activities by establishing production societies and carrying out coordination activities for the sale of livestock products.
d. Increasing the nutritional status of the people by popularizing the consumption of animal products.
e. Implementation of animal extension activities by conducting farmer training etc.
f. Implementation of grass development programmes.
g. Implementation of Animal Ordinances.
h. Action to prevent animal-borne diseases.
Veterinary offices have been set up one for each divisional secretariat.
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm until 3:30 pm Saturdays 8:00 am to 12:00 noon Treatment of animals in the office is from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on those days until 10:00 pm
Ratnapura Mugagama (Near Sumana Balika)
Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council New Town Ratnapura